in Homeopathy

Homeopathy Treatment for Treatment In Kurnool

What is Piles?

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the rectum or anus. They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (under the skin around the anus). Common symptoms include pain, itching, bleeding during bowel movements, and a lump or swelling around the anal area.

Piles can be caused by factors such as chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged sitting or standing. Treatment options range from lifestyle changes and over-the-counter creams to medical procedures or surgery in severe cases.

Types of Piles?

  • Internal piles: These occur inside the rectum and are generally not visible. Symptoms may include painless bleeding during bowel movements, a protrusion or swelling during straining, and discomfort or itching in the anal area.
  • External piles: These develop under the skin around the anus and are visible. They may appear as small, painful lumps or swellings. External piles can cause itching, pain, and bleeding.

How does Homeopathy work for Piles?

Homeopathy is a highly effective approach for managing piles and their symptoms. It provides long-term relief and addresses the root causes, reducing the risk of recurrence. At Homeocare International and Wellness Homeo Clinic International, our expert practitioners offer personalized constitutional homeopathy treatment. Through thorough examinations and consideration of individual symptoms and severity, we provide the most suitable homeopathic remedies. Our success rate surpasses that of other alternative treatments.

Opting for alternative treatments for piles carries the risk of experiencing various side effects. However, at Wellness Homeo Clinic International, the treatment for piles is claimed to be safe and free of side effects. They offer a natural remedy approach that eliminates piles without invasive procedures, which is a significant advantage of their constitutional homeopathy treatment.

Symptoms of Piles

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Irritation in the anal area
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Anal leakage
  • Bowel movement difficulties
  • Anal itching

Causes of Piles

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Chronic constipation
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Hereditary factors
Frequently Asked Questions

No, men and women do not suffer from haemorrhoids (piles) at the same rate. Men are more prone to developing haemorrhoids than women.

Haemorrhoids can be caused by factors such as straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, chronic constipation, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Risk factors for piles include obesity, constipation, pregnancy, aging, a sedentary lifestyle, chronic diarrhea, and heavy lifting.

External piles occur outside the anus, causing pain and discomfort, while internal piles develop inside the rectum and may cause bleeding during bowel movements.

Yes, homeopathy treatment for piles is natural and focuses on using remedies derived from natural substances.