Welcome to Wellness Homeo Clinic International

We Embracing Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda for Holistic Care

Our Specialised Departments

Why are we a Holistic Multi-Specialty clinic

Why are we a Holistic Multi-Specialty clinic

Wellness Homeo Clinic International in Kurnool embraces a multi-specialty approach to healthcare, incorporating Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda, to provide comprehensive and holistic care to our patients. By combining these three traditional systems of medicine, we ensure that individuals have access to a diverse range of treatment options tailored to their specific needs.

  • Emergency Centre
  • World class Standard
  • Modern Hospital
  • Professional Staff

Our multi-specialty clinic acknowledges the unique strengths and benefits of each discipline, allowing us to offer an integrated and patient-centered approach. This approach enables us to address a wide spectrum of health concerns, promote overall well-being, and empower our patients to make informed choices about their healthcare journey. With a dedicated team of skilled practitioners, we strive to deliver the highest quality of care, promoting healing and wellness in the Kurnool community.

We provide high standards of health care

At Wellness Homeo Clinic International, expect superior healthcare that merges cutting-edge technology with top-notch clinical expertise. Your well-being is our priority.


Serving from 10+ Years

234,840 +

Satisfied Patients

40 +

Qualified Doctors

21 +

Departments we treat

Our Treatments




Wellness Homeo Clinic International is committed to providing holistic Allopathy treatment for a wide range of diseases. Our approach encompasses comprehensive care, addressing the root causes and promoting overall well-being.



Wellness Homeo Clinic International is your destination for holistic Ayurvedic treatment. With a comprehensive approach, we offer effective solutions for various diseases, prioritizing your well-being and restoring balance to your life.

a holistic approach

So why Homeopathy?

Homeopathy enables the body to undergo physical and emotional healing while minimizing harm to the body. It recognizes that your body is under your care, and when you consume stale food, for instance, it may result in stomach discomfort. Similarly, insufficient hydration can lead to a burning sensation during urination. These symptoms serve as warning signs that your body is reacting negatively to its current state.

A homeopath takes into account the complete picture and avoids treating physical, emotional, and mental symptoms in isolation. Instead, they perceive these aspects as interconnected components of the patient's suffering. This comprehensive approach distinguishes homeopathy as a truly holistic and refined form of healing.
